GeoEdge Coronavirus (COVID-19) Business Continuity Plans

Last update: March 15, 2020

As novel coronavirus (COVID-19) diagnoses continue to increase around the world, GeoEdge is committed to providing a safe environment for our employees and ensuring business continuity, to the best of our abilities, in service to you, our customers and partners. With the rise in diagnoses, we are taking increased measures to maintain business continuity and protect the health of our employees.

We have implemented the necessary internal processes and policies to ensure there will be no impact on GeoEdge service. Thank you for your continued trust in us.

In the past week the GeoEdge security team has witnessed a peak in malvertising attacks. With more people at home, cybercriminals are exploiting these trying times. Our security team will continue to work vigorously in order to protect your users.

With an extremely strong infrastructure, we are prepared to manage business continuity challenges virtually. We anticipate no impact to our service and believe in our ability to keep the platform running and expanding as usual, with no interruption. We have ensured that our team members have whatever they need to work remotely if needed and to continue doing their jobs securely. We have increased channels of internal communication, and as always, prioritize communication with you, our customers, so you can remain focused on your business challenges and goals.

We will continue to meticulously monitor news from the World Health Organization, among other sources and guidelines, and are committed to reassessing the situation and adjust our plans accordingly.

We wish you all good health and thank you for continuing to place your trust in us. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or inquiries.