Weekly Recap: Cloaking Scams, Impression Spikes and Streaming Sessions


Facebook Discovers Cloaking Scam

Facebook announced that it has filed a lawsuit against the founder of a company called LeadCloak, alleging that it was facilitating coronavirus scams, running deceptive ads on Facebook and Instagram by selling “cloaking” software.

Cloaking software tricks ad verification systems by displaying safe sites, so no red flags are raised.

When actual users click on the ad, they see an entirely different site that may promote scams or violate the company’s terms of service.

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Ad Impressions Jump Amid Coronavirus Crisis

Image: Business of Apps

The number of served ad impressions for the past month has been steadily increasing across most countries currently the midst of the coronavirus lockdown.

Based on the data collected by ad company ExoClick, ad impressions rose as lockdowns began to be put in place globally.

All countries measured by ExoClick observed a spike in impression percentages.

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Sessions in Streaming Apps Are Way Up

Streaming apps like Disney+ saw a near 31% rise in sessions during March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic. According to data published by mobile app intelligence firm Apptopia, Disney+ attracted more than 28 million subscribers in five countries in just three months after it released.

The report found that among the most successful strategies to grow engagement were push notifications used 21% more by top brands. Leading brands also utilise in-app messages 300% more leading to more in-app purchases.

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Alisha is a Technology Writer and Marketing Manager at GeoEdge. Her writing focuses on current events in the AdTech ecosystem and cyberattacks served through the digital advertising supply chain. You can find Alisha on LinkedIn to discuss brand building and happenings in AdTech.

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